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Rock Your Business Systems

Systems are one of those key business tools you know you need to implement into your business but there is so much information out there on what tools to use, how to use and how to set it up that is often very overwhelming and setting up systems is something that tends to fall to the wayside.

Systems those are key to creating a successful foundation for your biz, you already know that but you are also super overwhelmed with the mounds of information available on the internet and systems jargon that tends to complicate something you already don’t really want to do.

The good news is that there are really only 10 key business systems that you need to have in place to start to build your foundation for success and you can do this yourself, even if you aren’t tech-savvy and even if you don’t really understand systems.

You see, systems are actually pretty simple when you break it down, in fact, systems are only comprised of 3 key parts.

1 - People

2 - Process

3 - Tools

That’s it, pretty simple, right?

And there are 10 key business systems that every business needs to put in place in order to run smoothly and effectively.

Are You Running Your Business…or is Your Business Running You Quiz?

  • Do you work late, but still can't ever seem to get ahead? (missing important events and family and friend time)
  • Are you making investments in your business that you know 1 day will pay off but you don't ever seem to get to that pay off?
  • You are leaking money out of your business but not sure how to fix it?
  • Do you feel tired, overwhelmed, isolated or stressed, like the weight of the world is on your shoulders?
  • Do you only think about profits when there’s nothing in your bank account?
  • Are you spending more time working ‘on’ your business than ‘in’ your business?
  • Are you missing deadlines and/or appointments?
  • Has your business hit a plateau that you can’t get beyond on your own?

If you answered yes, to one or more of these questions than chances are your business is running you.

If you're like many solo business owners, you started your business so that you can create your own ticket, set your own schedule and hours, spend time with your family, make a nice healthy profit and not have to answer to the boss. 

In other words, you went into business to have freedom.

BUT, if you're like the majority of solo biz owners, it hasn't exactly worked out like you initially intended. 

It's kind of like you traded your old 40 hour a week job for an 80 hour a week job and there are no guarantees that you even get to make as much as you used to and stress, yeah, there is certainly a lot of that!

  • You are working late all the time.
  • You constantly tell your kids, one more thing, one more minute let mommy just check this one more thing off her to do list.
  • Another nice day that could have been spent at the beach but you are working your butt off while the kids are in the other room stuffing their faces with chips and cereal watching netflix, you feel guilty but you gotta pay the bills.
  • You keep thinking to yourself there has got to be another way, I know there has got to be another way to make this business work for me instead of feeling like I am slave to my biz but I don’t have time to think about that right now, I’ve gotta get back to work before it’s time for my next call and I gotta take the kids to karate and dance.

If you're wondering "What happened?" you're not alone. In fact, the majority of solo biz owners start out running their businesses flying by the seat of their pants. But, running around like a chicken with your head cut off can only take you so far, and it gets old pretty quick!

Are you currently experiencing any of the following?

  • Your goals of growing your biz and life to the next level somehow never come to fruition regardless of how many hours you put in.
  • You are flying by the seat of your pants and you feel like you are a back seat driver to your business with no end in sight.
  • You are not sure the status of your work in progress, what is already done, what needs to be done and what the status of these projects actually are and you are not why it seems that no one can get anything done (especially you!)
  • Your to do "list" has turned into a a never ending book that you can never seem to check anything off the list.
  • You are working 10, 20, 30 or more hours per week than you really want and missing out on the things you want to do because you have so much work to do.
  • You know you are leaving money on the table because you don't have a good follow up system in place but you're not sure where to start, and where you are going to find time to actually implement one when you are already spread so thin.
  • You're losing clients/customers because your client care is basically non existent and your sales are not sticking, you'd love to raise your rates but you're not sure how when so many things are already falling through the cracks.
  • You feel like you are in a constant state of overwhelm, stress, frustration and worry.
  • You'd love to create more products, and programs and especially passive income so that you don't have to work so hard but you already don't have enough time in the day with all that's on your plate that you can never find the time.
  • You feel trapped and like you are a slave to your business and the more clients you take on the less freedom you actually have.

If you said yes to any of the above that's GOOD NEWS!

It might not feel like good news right now, but it really is. Because if you answered yes to any of the above than chances are you are only lacking systems in your business and you can fix all of the above easy peasy so that you can run your business successfully and easily.

If you are experiencing the above symptoms then you are poised for tremendous POTENTIAL that you have the ability to turn into FREEDOM, PROFITS and FREE TIME when you implement the right systems into your business.


It’s time to automate and leverage your business so that you can have the time, money and freedom you started your business for in the first place so that you can move that POTENTIAL into

Systems are critical to your business success, and your sanity...

  • Systems are the key to profitable growth.
  • The bigger you get without systems, the more money is going out the door in re-inventing every day.
  • Employees/contractors perform better because they aren’t micromanaged and they know exactly what they are supposed to accomplish.
  • You have fewer surprises because you are not trying to re-invent the wheel every time you do something.
  • It also keeps you, in-line. If you are like me, you like to tinker with it and change things around and then that in turn confuses your team, if you have one and ultimately your customer/client. When you put systems in place and make sure to actually update those systems you are able to give your clients/customers a consistent experience, which leads to your client/customer knowing what to expect and having confidence in what you will deliver and how which in turns allows you to raise your rates, work less and keep your sanity.

Would you like to...

  • Streamline your processes?
  • Plug the leaks in your business?
  • Automate your business to run and grow?
  • Are you ready to start fully engaging in your business growth?
  • Are you ready to see success and results in your business?

You’ll have a thriving and profitable business that you can easily run on your own (or with a team)  because your business will be:

  • Streamlined
  • Automated
  • Systemized

Then the time has come for you to take the final step toward leveraging your growth and taking your business to the next level. Hard work and elbow grease will take you a long way, but when it comes right down to it, sometimes working less can lead to greater profits. Sound crazy?

If you simply do not have the time to effectively grow your business, then now is the time to take action before you lose business when you should be making money.

  • You're smart, you already know that the key to getting out of the overwhelm + constant up and down yoo yoo income is to put systems and processes in place in your business but you have no idea where to start or even what to do to get started as things really are scattered and all over the place and you are having a hard time keeping up with your client load when things finally slow down, well then you are in panic mode and you market like crazy so that you can have the income you need to survive, getting clients really isn’t the problem it’s keeping up with the workload you have and charging enough to those clients so you don’t have to burn yourself out.
  • This leads to you being in total information overwhelm and there does not seem to be an end in sight because the more you market your business the busier you get. You get busy doing the business of business and your business cannot run without you.

  • You think hiring someone to help you is the answer so that you can get some of this stuff off your plate. But you also know that if you really want them to succeed and not feel like you have to babysit them then you need to have systems in place.

  • You dream of having a business that actually takes care of you instead of feeling like you are enslaved to your business.

  • You desire to make more money and take your business to the next level and help more folks but you are overwhelmed at what that might actually mean because right now, what you have created, although it is producing income is not exactly predictable or sustainable and the truth is you are not even sure what exactly is working and what is not working because you are doing way too much to get clients and keep them happy and you are starting to lose your sanity in the process.

  • When you first started your business it was all fun and games, you were excited when you landed that first client, you were overwhelmed with joy but now you are overwhelmed with work. In fact, you find yourself, worker, harder and longer than you ever did when you had that regular JOB, and the income was a lot more predictable and consistent too.

  • You know going back and getting a job is NOT the answer but still, you feel stuck and overwhelmed in this never-ending cycle on the hamster wheel with these ups and downs in your income, it’s like riding a train and going through a tunnel and you are not quite sure when you are going to come out of the tunnel because from where you are at you can’t see the light.
  • You know you have what it takes to do this business thing, you are doing it but there has got to be a better way.

  • Track your metrics so you know what's working and what's not so you don't have to sieve time, money and resources on stuff that isn't working and you can amp up what is working. Plus once you put these systems in place you'll have a streamlined business.

What’s it going to be like to be able to use the 80/20 rule and smart metrics so that you can ditch the stuff that isn’t working (stop wasting money, time and resources, hello profit and time) and put it into the stuff that you know beyond a shadow of a doubt is working?

Wouldn’t it be nice to know that you have a sustainable, predictable foundation in place in your business that truly does support you?

That’s what is possible when you put systems and processes in place in your biz and it’s way easier than you are thinking and way less time consuming than you ever thought possible and you can do this yourself without having to hire a team of high-level consultants to implement this.

I invite you to learn from yours truly, a 6+ figure biz owner and former multi virtual assistant and online business manager owner to 7+ figure top online earners how you can easily set up simple and effective systems and create a rock-solid foundation for success in your biz so that you can work less and make more and have the freedom to do what you want when you want, which is why you started your business in the first place.

All while, working less... and earning more!

You see, that's what happens when you learn how to leverage your expertise, create systems and build a profitable and sustainable business that is in alignment with your purpose.... which is exactly what you are going to learn from Rock Your Biz Systems!

I invite you to enroll now! 

Why learn this from Kim Beckers?

  • Hey there fellow Rockstar, I’m Kim Beckers and I am known as the “Rock Your Limits Mentor and business maverick and I help service based biz owners to create profitable businesses online by simplifying, organizing and profiting in their business. Making money and creating your business doesn’t have to be hard.  The business of business is easy for me, the biz strategies are a given when you work with me, I am a fierce business woman and I am deeply committed to helping you get results in your business bank account. I am also as fiercely committed to helping you take down the facade and break down the barriers that are keeping you stuck so that you can create a sustainable business because they are what keeps you unfulfilled, and stuck on many levels but also keeps you living a lie, and when you live a lie you cannot have soul satisfaction, it’s not sustainable, which is why you keep moving onto the next bright shiny object.
  • I have set this up in such a way that you can implement this in your spare time, in as little as an hour a week and see a significant increase in your results in a fraction of the amount of time. (I know, I know you don’t have any spare time, I get it, but what if you did? What if you did have spare time?)
  • I have helped a multitude of 5+, 6+ and 7+ figure biz owners actually implement this framework into their business, so this system is based off my success with these clients and not based on theory or a rehash of other people's teachings that I am trying to pass off to work. I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that this system works, and it works for a multitude of business types and if you implement this framework it can work for you too.
  • Back in the day, I used to actually work behind the scenes in 7+ figure online businesses first as a Virtual Assistant (VA) and then as an Online Business Manager (OBM) and than as a multi firm VA/OBM agency helping countless 6+ and 7+ figure online business owners with this same system and framework that is included with this course, so I know first hand that this stuff works.
  • I have worked with overseas workers so I understand what really needs to go into setting this stuff up so that their is no confusion in what needs to be done with these systems and strategies, you know so that if and when you want to hire out a team you know that you have your bases covered and your business can run without you having to babysit every single thing that your team is doing, and you know, so you don't have to re-invent the wheel every time you do something in your business.
  • My focus is on helping you with the foundational strategies and principles rather than the technology so that as the biz grows you will have a solid understanding of what you need to implement at the different stages because you have this from a strategic standpoint rather than from a technology standpoint so that means you get to chose the tools that are right for you as your business grows but the principles and strategies behind them are solid. Plus I give you a list (that is frequently updated) that identifies the best tools and resources to grow your biz online.
  • Did you know one of the first business I created, a Plus Size Lingerie business I was able to sell before stepping into full time consulting to 2 real estate agents, who knew nothing about online business and even less about lingerie because I had set up systems and processes they could follow, they knew how to get customers, how to service them, how to keep them, how to run the business and all that jazz, there is no way I could have sold that business without that.
  • I used to work as an operations manager to the CFO of 2 large NYC multi 7 figure construction development companies, and I used to develop SOP's, manage the offices on and offsite, as well as train the Admin staff, write manuals, marketing systems and all that jazz.

I invite you to enroll today!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  • Who is this for?

    This training is specifically designed for the rock star business owner who is ready to take their biz and life to the next level and set up the proper foundation for success so that you can run your biz successfully and easily. This training is the basis for creating a multi-6-figure biz foundation and beyond and is the same framework that I have personally used to implement in my biz as well as my clients 5 figure, 6+ figure and 7+ figure businesses.  You know so your have a biz that is built on a solid foundation instead of toothpicks and quicksand.

  • What if I'm scared?

    This is a great question, just because you are ready to Get You and Your Business in Gear doesn’t mean that its not scary.

    In fact, fear is a good thing, because what it tells me and should tell you is that you are moving in the right direction, you are moving in the direction of growth.

  • Do you offer financing or a payment plan?

    Need help with financing? We have partnered with PayPal Bill Me Later Feature. To see if you qualify, just click here. Once you are approved PayPal Bill Me Later Service will give you 6 months no interest & no payments. Just qualify via PayPal here and choose PayPal as your payment method at check out and you’ll have 6 months interest free to pay. 🙂

  • Have more questions?

    No problem,  just click here to contact us and we will get you taken care of and make sure this program is for you. Easy peasy 🙂

  • How is the product/program delivered?

    This is a digital product/program that is immediately delivered to you, and you can download it from the redirect page once your payment goes through. The digital product is in the form of a PDF document that contains links to bonuses as well as the accompanying audio files. This makes it so you can easily download and reference the document whenever you need and have it at your fingertips in an easy access document. 🙂

I invite you to enroll today!

What others say about working with Kim...

I invite you to enroll today!

What You're Gonna Get with
Rock Your Biz Systems is...

  • The Gift or problems so you can stop wasting time, energy + money. (value $497)
  • Rock your Virtual Office + To-Do List (Value $497)
  • Rock Your Scheduling + Communication Systems (Value $497)
  • Rock Your Metrics, Money + Back Up Systems (Value $497)
  • Rock Your Marketing + Relationship Systems (Value $497)
  • Rock Your Sales + Delivery Systems (Value $497)
  • Rock a Solid Foundation w/training from a CPA (Value $497)

Value of Rock Your Biz Systems: $3479

BONUSES You're Gonna Get with
Rock Your Biz Systems are...

  • BONUS: 3 key strategies to discover the hidden money in your biz (value $297)
  • BONUS: Rock Your Planning System (Value $197)
  • BONUS: Insider Secrets to Get Clients FAST training (value $297)
  • BONUS: 10 Key business systems overview (Value $97)
  • BONUS: Sample SOP Template (Value $97)
  • BONUS: Top Resources + Tools to Run Your Biz Online (Value $97)
  • BONUS: Rock Your Marketing Funnels Training + worksheet (Value $297)
  • BONUS: Done for you email series for breakthrough sessions (Value $197)
  • BONUS: Done for you email follow up series for lead magnet w/CTA (Value $197)
  • BONUS: Done for you Webinar/Teleclass email launch series (Value $197)
  • BONUS: Done for you perfect email welcome series (Value $197)
  • BONUS: Done for you sample product/service launch plan (Value $197)
  • BONUS: Rock Your Sales Conversations template (value $97)
  • BONUS: Done for you client testimonial template script (Value $27)
  • BONUS: Done for you Facebook conversation starters (Value $27)
  • BONUS: Done for you Joint Venture Invitation Template (Value $27)
  • BONUS: Structure Your Biz as a Biz report (Value $27)
  • BONUS: Done for you Sample Non Disclosure Agreement for Consultant (Value $27)
  • BONUS: Done for you Media Release Sample (Value $17)
  • BONUS: Done for you Consulting Agreement Sample (Value $27)
  • BONUS: Done for you Credit Card Authorization Template (Value $17)
  • BONUS: 5 Steps to Make and Keep More Money audio training with CPA Maddie Brown (Value $197)

Value of Additional Bonuses: $2854

What's One Client Worth to You?One Client...?

$5k, $10k, $20k, More...?

How much would you pay to get 1 high end client a month?

...a week?

...or per day?

You can see why clients have paid me $20,000+ and more for me to set this up for them...If you sell just 1 client at $5000... Would it make sense to pay me just $5000 ONE TIME to set this up with you?

(Then every sale past the 1st was PURE PROFIT)

I invite you to enroll today!

9 Modules

The Gift of Problems

In this training module, I’ll invite you to dive deep into plugging the leaks in your biz that are causing you to waste time, energy and money.+ Some extra bonus training too :-) 

You will learn how to strategically think about your business, how to find the hidden opportunities that are already right there as well as discover where you need to put a system in place in your business. It is the essential foundational teaching to strategically think about your business + implement easy and simple systems.

Rock your Virtual Office + To-Do List

In this training module, you will learn proven strategies to Be the CEO and organize your biz like a boss.

This is the module that will help you to stop running your business from your inbox and get the “non-essential” stuff off your plate so that you can streamline your biz and actually be the CEO.

Rock Your Scheduling + Communication Systems

In this training module, you will streamline your planning, schedule, and communication system inside and outside your organization so that you can get more done, in less time + some additional bonuses too!

This training module will help you get your time back so that you can spend time with your kids instead of constantly having to tell them, just a minute, one more thing, mommy just has to…. And you also get to make more money and keep more of it which is kinda the point of business, don't you think :-) 

Rock Your Sales + Delivery Systems

In this training module, you will streamline Your Sales + Delivery Systems with automation and leverage so that you make more sales and those sales stick.

This lesson will allow you to raise your rates and work less because you have a system and process in place that makes your clients feel like they are cared for and supported, whoohoo!

Rock Your Metrics, Money Systems + Backup Systems

In this training module, you will streamline Your Sales + Delivery Systems with automation and leverage so that you make more sales and those sales stick.

This module will help you be able to run your biz successfully and easily because you have a handle on what’s working and what’s not working so that you can focus on what works, and let go of all the other stuff and you know what money is coming in and out of your biz.

Rock Your Marketing + Relationship Systems

In this training module, you will streamline Your Marketing + Relationship Systems so you don’t have qualified leads coming into your biz on a consistent basis and you keep your clients happy while keeping boundaries in place so that you can also have some work/life balance.

This lesson will help you to streamline your marketing and relationship systems so that you have leads coming into your business on a regular and consistent basis that are qualified and ready to work with you and all you have to do is show up on a call with them to finalize the details

Rock a Solid Foundation

In this training module, you will get a handle on what you actually need to have in place from a tax standpoint to protect yourself and your biz assets. If you’re serious about building sustainable and profitable biz, this needs to be non-negotiable, period!

This will allow you to actually take vacations, and days off, know that clients are taken care of, that you have the right contracts in place in your biz and you actually have a structure in place to support you.


Insider Secrets to Get Clients FAST audio + step by step workbook

Insider Secrets to Get Clients FAST: Making yourself irresistible to your ideal clients & easily magnetize them to you

Insider Secrets to Get Clients FAST: Easily enrolling clients you want to work with and who want to work with you & can pay!

Insider Secrets to Get Clients FAST: Easily adding 5-figures to your biz by repackaging your offerings Having a step-by-step repeatable system to enroll new clients whenever you want

Insider Secrets to Get Clients FAST: A step-by-step repeatable system to enroll new clients whenever you want

Insider Secrets to Get Clients FAST: Done for you templates, systems and checklists

Resources to Run Your Biz Online


This is where you can access to Resources to Run Your Biz online. 


xox, Kim

Modules for this product 9
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 $797.00 USD
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 $97.00 USD  ( then $97.00 USD for 8 months )

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